Judge not that thee be not judged. Too late for that, Douglas. Your tone is trite and catty in this post.
Didn't MLK say something about being judged by the content of your character rather than the color of your skin -- or the price of your sound system?
There is a subtext here concerning the attainment of audiophilehood. Has the deceased made the grade? Is he just a crass pretender? Doesn't his stupid family understand that he is not a real audiophile like me? I mean, for crissakes, he didn't buy the right stuff at the right price from the right sources. He probably didn't read the right mags.
And yet these simpletons think he's a bona fide audiophile. More's the pity. R.I.P.
Didn't MLK say something about being judged by the content of your character rather than the color of your skin -- or the price of your sound system?
There is a subtext here concerning the attainment of audiophilehood. Has the deceased made the grade? Is he just a crass pretender? Doesn't his stupid family understand that he is not a real audiophile like me? I mean, for crissakes, he didn't buy the right stuff at the right price from the right sources. He probably didn't read the right mags.
And yet these simpletons think he's a bona fide audiophile. More's the pity. R.I.P.