What credit cards do you use?

A while back I was looking through the forums with someone mentioning that they just purchased some speakers new from the dealer. The cost was (for me, anyway) extraordinarily high, much more than I've spent in car purchases for my entire life. But then I started thinking, what kind of credit card did that person have to make that purchase? (Or was it a check, or cash?)

Do any of you use premium credit cards (AmEx Platinum, Chase Sapphire, etc) to get extended warranties, refunds if you don't like it, air miles, etc for audio purchases?

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Maybe they used a Home Equity Line of Credit (HELOC). Most banks and mortgage companies issue those with a Visa or MC logo. I had one once $250K.
AX must have improved since I dumped them back in '89.
Long story short: I moved out of state and stayed in a motel for one night.
Finally settled in once I reached my destination. Filed change of address notification and went about my business.

Never got the bill, forgot about it for (lots of stuff happening), got a notice about 4 months later that my bill was for $250. Called AX and got the worst treatment I ever experienced., Told them I was more than willing to pay the $30 but just drop the other stuff. The agent was abusive so I asked to speak to his supervisor. Was put on hold and when he came back he said he'd turn me over to a collections agency and said something like "nah nah nah nah nah nah". I seriously thought about flying out to their location and beating up the jerk.

Came back to LA about 5 months later and got a notice from a collections agency wondering how on earth I was on their list. They advised me to pay half and they would let it go away so as to not stain my perfect record. They also said they've never seen this done before for a $30 bill.

I have only one MC and that's it. I guess everyone has a story to tell. I hope mine was unique but I doubt it.

It wasn't long after that I worked for Safra Bank. Edmund Safra came from a dynasty of traders going back to the early days in the Middle East. He dealt in gold and other precious metals as well as rare coins and such. AX, in an effort to best him in some matter, defamed him so he took them to court and came this close to shutting them down for good. They had to take out a full page in the NYT and apologize to him. Right after, he opened an office right across the street from them.

That made me smile.
None, I always expect and get a cash discount of at least 5%. I have found all the 'benefits' of cards to be really worthless.
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I use my Amex whenever possible. The benefits are numerous:
Extended warranties, easy proof for insurance, great tracking, no limit, no payment games (I pay in full every month) and they give rewards points. The points aren't exactly cash back but I've never had trouble using them. I recently put a vacation on my Amex and the insurance they offered was cheaper than anywhere else and the coverage is good.

Some retailers hate Amex because it is expensive, so I do use other cards or cash at times.