Middle Eastern, North African music these days?

Anyone playing something?
Is Masekela north African, or south African? Anyway, I like him a a lot. Also, Dudu Pakwana. This makes me want to go through that stack of s. African jazz a friend gave me a while back.

Oh, yeah. Another one came to mind. Dollar Brand, who later became Abdullah Ibrahim.

Sorry if my geography is too far off topic. ;-)

Dan_ed, your geography is on topic, Hugh Mesekela is from South Africa; but his music is jazz with an African tilt.

Inna, Rabbi Abbou Kahlil is another Middle Eastern artist you might like. There are really a lot of very different flavors from that area. I suggest you sample and tell us what you like best. Since there are a number of people here who listen to what you want to hear, after you narrow this broad river; we can be of more help.
Different styles, cool to listen to, down-beat rhythms.

Shahin & Sepehr "One Thousand & One Nights" and "Aria"

Arkenstone "African Skies" Adventure Cargo

Cheb Khaled & Safy Boutella "Kutche" or self-titled "Khaled"

Have fun.
Yeah, I expect to have fun. Thank you for the suggestions. I guess, I heard none of this. I was also simply interested in other people's tastes. And in another thread I asked about exotic unusual music and got many responses.
Coincidence or not, my damn CD player broke yesterday. It's a ten year old CEC belt drive and it looks like only a belt; I hope.
Inna, the library is the best source for sampling. Get the CD's and download them to your playlist. Use your PC until you get your player back up.