Have you become too jaded with this hobby???

Greetings fellow A'goners.After posting a reply to a question in another forum section I started pondering if this was happening to me.I had put together a modest system that one of my coworkers(who happens to play bass in a band that just opened for Dokken & is getting ready to cut thier first record for a major lable)was completely blown away by.He had NEVER heard a stereo system that sounded so good according to him & decided he wanted me to help him build a system.A short while later I screwed up & killed my integrated amp so I sold off everything in the name of the almighty upgrade.After my reply in the other forum I now wonder if I am heading down the slippery slope of diminishing returns...So my question to all of you is this:Have you become so jaded by this hobby that you can NOT sit down in front of a VERY simple,inexpensive but well put together & set up system without disecting everything you hear & only focusing on what the system does NOT do,or can you still just listen to a simple VERY inexpensive system or a small portable radio & still enjoy the music?I look forward to your replies,Take care...
I can definitely sit down and listen to simple and inexpensive systems without being critical. It also makes me appreciate my gear much more. I will never be jaded because basically the music comes first and I am very aware that I will never have what one would call the ultimate system, if it exists. Most of us cannot say that money is not an object, so we upgrade within our means as well. I can tell you that I will not be upgrading my $5,000 speakers to Wilson Alexandria's.
I enjoy the music listening to my boston acoustics computer speakers. When it comes to my main setup in the family room, I just can't seem to get to the point where I'm simply enjoying the music. But I don't feel I'm jaded.
03-18-11: Zmanastronomy
I'm enjoying the computer system I'm on right now. It's not hi end at all.
It's all about the music.
Zmanastronomy (System | Threads | Answers | This Thread)

Same here. I don't have a system set up right now after being an audiophile for 25+years. I listen on the speakers built into my computer monitor and on a simple headphone rig connected to my computer.

I really enjoy hearing a great system, but for me the music is more important.
I have a vintage system in the basement that I like the sound of very much. Not near as good as my main system, but I thoroughly enjoy it. I also find myself getting into some great tunes while listening to my stock GM radio in my car, and, again, thoroughly enjoying them.
i have a different perspective.

live music in a concert hall or smaller place, like a musuem, library auditorium, got example is my reference.

i get disappointed when i listen to stereo systems, and realize that they sound so far removed from what musicians sound like live. i sometimes get frustrated when i make changes to my own system, to try to get closer to the "live sound", that i often feel that it doesn't matter what the medium is, e.g., computer speakers, table radio, car radio or portable stero, because all fall very short and have severe flaws, relative to the real thing.

so it is not so much being jaded, but rather the realization that a good stereo system, whatever that is to anyone, is a poor substitute for live music.

its a realization of wanting something realizing you can't attain it.

as the stones sing "you can't always get what you want".

no, i'm not jaded, as there are times i will attempt to adjust my stereo and admit that i prefer it after the adjustments. there are other times that i am not motivated to tinker or listen.