Anybody find themselves revisiting old threads?

Not that long ago some threads made me look back at some of what I'd said so many years ago. I wound up going off on a tangent & reading other threads, some which I'd never seen; others I'd passed over.

I wasn't searching for anything in particular. Waxing nostalgic perhaps?
I sometimes research an informative answer. I will go back and see and read all the answers this Poster has answered.
I would think this is pretty common.
I never look back into old threads.

What I find hysterically funny is when someone resurrects an old thread (and, sometimes, they're REALLY old), and answers it as if the last post were just a couple of hours ago.

yes. There is a wealth of info in those older threads!

Happy Listening!
Hey Joe, you shot my thread down.

Gee, the way I remember, it only seems like a few days ago.