Taralabs cables

Hi, I wanted to start a new thread for all the owners of Taralabs cables, Enjoy, and cheers.

Audiolabyrinth did not state that he has ss gear. He stated he wanted my opinion on ss gear and I gave it.

I have clearly stated why I want to chat privately about this. What could possibly be the problem with using this service provided by Audiogon?

My observations may be "incongruent" with the observations of others. This does not negate their validity. No one has more experience with my system than me. Frankly, I never worry too much about what others say. I always trust my own ears. After all, they are not listening to my system.
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Melbguy1, I believe sabai is sharring his exsperience with IEC's, which BTW are made different than the recepticles, The GTX-D as you said is pure copper at the base metal, then plated with Rhodium or gold, David, to mass the confussion more, I researched these recepticles more on audiogon past threads of the GTX-D recepticles, there seemed to be alot of members that had gold and went to Rhodium with satisfying results, However, the ones that did had tube equipment, to bad we cannot rent these things like cables and find whats best for our paticular systems, that would be great wouldnt it david?
Tboooe, did you buy your digital cable new or used?, tell us your impressions here as well, we do not mind at all.