FM tuners - Are they OBSOLETE ?

As much as I a have liked tuners in the past - and probably kidded myself that older ''vintage'' tuners sound better (after owning quite a few), I really don't see much use for them except maybe a nostalgic bridge to days past, or bragging rights to pride of ownership with McIntosh gear or whatever.

With the newer technologies giving access to hundreds of stations around the globe, it just seems like THE proposition to discover new music.

I of course know that some high-end tuners sound very good - but let me tell you - a clean 128 digital feed into a DAC (from a digital transport like the Wadia or Cambridge Audio's new ID-100), is pretty impressive...

Sort of make kilo-buck tuners seem futile and very expensive by comparison.

What do you think ?
One last time, here's my ''recipe'':

TuneIn app (.99cents) + Ipod Touch + Cambridge Audio ID-100 digital transport + DacMagic + integrated amp (or amp/pramp combo).

I can certainly understand where the Sony unit wouldn't come close, and it is actually unfair to compare it.

And as far as going to the trouble of installing an antenna on the roof to listen to 1 or 2 favorite stations, I'm ok with that if it brings you enjoyment - that's the whole point right?
Soniqmike, before you go spouting off, perhaps you should read all the contents of all of the posts. I agree with most of your points, except sheer performance. No doubt the internet audio can be better, but not always, in fact sometimes it's worse. There is very little musical information above 15 KHZ, and most people are unable to hear it anyway. For many here, even Hi Rez digital is unsatisfactory, forget Low Rez. And by Low Rez, we're talking about less than CD quality. Many find just a couple of stations worth their while, but enjoy them immensely. Often times these stations offer live feeds of quality concerts and operas. For them, it's possible that the performance of some FM broadcasts might provide superior sound. There is no doubt that digital broadcasts offer much greater(!) variety and often times superior sound quality, but not always. An FM tuner is an inexpensive item for most here, and one doesn't necessarily have to choose one over the other. I'm simply suggesting that for some, an FM tuner might be a sound investment. At the very least it's worth trying. That doesn't mean that I don't endorse the use of internet radio, I do.
Unsound you say ''I'm simply suggesting that for some, an FM tuner might be a sound investment'', I am totally in agreement with this! For some, it's OK as I said numerous times before, it is all very subjective. As far as saying that ''There is very little musical information above 15 KHZ'' right again, but why are speaker manufacturers using diamond and beryllium tweeters that go way up there if we cannot hear it? BECAUSE SOMEHOW it makes the whole come together as a whole (does that make sense?) even if we cannot isolate those higher frequencies. And of course because IT SELLS!. Sorry, but I'd rather have those ''hard-to-hear'' higher frequencies on my side rather than be deprived of them.

What can I say, I use to own a very nice (and expensive) Accuphase T-109 tuner along with a rooftop arial. As good as it was (and it WAS good), I could never get a black and silent background as with a digital feed. For me, that's key, but maybe not for you and it's ok.

Finally, for me at least, Performance equals Enjoyment, and I was no longer enjoying the sonic limitations of my Fm tuner compared to a quality digital feed through a DAC.

But, for some, I can fully understand how an FM tuner may make ''a good investment''. But take out the nostalgia factor and looks (of some nice FM tuner gems out there) and it is still a quite limiting proposition.
Truman, just a comment. You say ''What? They are just as relevant as they ever were with your choice of free classic rock, jazz, you remember jazz....Open yourself to music beyond your library's borders''

Hum, how ironic, that's basically THE POINT concerning FM tuners, those borders you are referring to are rather small !

There are basically NO borders with web-based stations...