FM tuners - Are they OBSOLETE ?

As much as I a have liked tuners in the past - and probably kidded myself that older ''vintage'' tuners sound better (after owning quite a few), I really don't see much use for them except maybe a nostalgic bridge to days past, or bragging rights to pride of ownership with McIntosh gear or whatever.

With the newer technologies giving access to hundreds of stations around the globe, it just seems like THE proposition to discover new music.

I of course know that some high-end tuners sound very good - but let me tell you - a clean 128 digital feed into a DAC (from a digital transport like the Wadia or Cambridge Audio's new ID-100), is pretty impressive...

Sort of make kilo-buck tuners seem futile and very expensive by comparison.

What do you think ?
With respect to 'should I buy a tuner or shouldn't I?' I have to ask; how much longer will it take for internet audio streams to appear in higher resolutions than from what we are currently being offered. Itunes offers full resolution downloads from their purchasing website but they have the server space to do so. The BBC is so massive that they can only offer about 86kbps for their various stations via audio streaming. Other smaller stations like with college radio lack the funds to operate a larger server space. I do believe however that a time will come where folks who want full resolution streaming audio will be capable of purchasing it in the form of membership. The Metropolitan Opera offers something of this sort via video streaming from their website. Once computer information can be stored on atoms instead of silicon, then tuners will certainly be a passe' novelty.
Has2be - I do not ''critisize peoples intelligence'', just voicing my opinion respectfully - unlike you may I add. No hard feelings, with a bit of experience you might get the hang of it...
"Has2be - I do not ''critisize peoples intelligence'', just voicing my opinion respectfully - unlike you may I add. No hard feelings, with a bit of experience you might get the hang of it..."

Soniqmike, the above is just one more contradiction of yours and you within this post. No hard feelings what so ever. I think you are the one who's large opinion seems bruised. Try resting it by sitting on a nice soft pillow.

Joenies is enjoying "tuning" in Alaska. Cheers my friend, Joe!!! My particular local is very receptive and on the outskirts of NYC. Plenty of choices here. Soniqmike, Has2be, you guys are right in your own way. Myself, I'm old school.... my "DAC" is the cable running from a Macbook Air to a 1958' Fender "champ" Amp.