Soundstage depth and width

Which one is more important? It is the depth to me, I don't tolerate flat sound.
Rrog, it's apparent you are an "audiophile wannabe". This is a serious "audiophile discussion", come back when you're qualified.
Orpheus10, Audiophile wannabe? My stereo equipment is all top of the line Radio Shack, but if you insist I will go hang out in stereo stores until I can come back to this forum on your level.
I'm using an Audio Innovations Series 500 integrated, fitted with Genalex Gold Lion KT77's, 6922's (phase inverters), and 12AX7's (one line driver, and the other two for the phono stage).

I place a lot of importance on the '500. All the other integrateds I've owned over the years just couldn't achieve what this one does, particularly with regard to what I would call a "full-bodied" sound; and since we're talking about depth I would say that this is the only one that made good recordings sound as if they were spilling out into the room, rather than just laying flat, as if painted on the wall.
Let me add that when I say "spilling out into the room" doesn't really qualify to me as "depth," per se. It does, however, jibe with what I call "full-bodied." In my experience, getting the sound to "appear" as if it's coming from behind the speakers is the biggest challenge, but then again I might be able to better achieve such a thing if I had a large enough and better acoustically treated (or treated at all, I should say) room.