Soundstage depth and width

Which one is more important? It is the depth to me, I don't tolerate flat sound.
Geeze, Ballywho, when you put it that way, I feel really creepy (especially about the "secret money"). But, like you said..."oh well!"
Ballywho, what kind of speakers do you have now? I've been able to turn "midfi" speakers into something close to high end by upgrading the capacitors in the crossover. If you can solder there are ways to upgrade what you have.
I just received a pair of brand spanking new Tekton Lores last Wednesday...

I loved the Arros' I had back in '06 (most holographic image ever, as I've stated), the Cicada's I had shortly there after (for piano and acoustic guitar I didn't think they could be bettered), the swan Diva 2.1 SE's a couple years later (an amazing monitor that will - I'm confident - challenge many floor-standers), and the Klipsch SB1's (they amazed me with what a $200 pair of speakers could sound, pardon my aside hi-five in Klipsch's general direction).

The Lores are really the most satisfying speaker I've heard yet (see the Zu's vs. Lores thread - I really don't go into much detail, but you'll get the idea, as vague as it might be for some): They create such a huge, dynamic sound that is simply undeniably, well, satisfying. I would imagine there's still plenty of time they need to get broken into real submission, but as it stands, they're spanning an extremely wide frequency range for a speaker of this size, creating some of the most impressive bass I've heard, and conveying an image that is - quite seemingly - getting ever so broader by the day.

On that note, I must also give a hi-five in the general direction of Eric @ Tekton for creating a genuinely great product at a - thank gosh - real world price.
Your new speakers have gotten some fantastic reviews, and they are at a real world price; enjoy.
Thats a good one , "top of the line Radio Shack " didn't no they had more than one line .