Higher-Fi has full page ad in dupont registry

In the new Dupont registry Higher-fi has a full page ad with 200k plus speakers. Just because a guy is into high-end cars doesn't mean he cares about high-end audio. If these guys want to advertise they should stick with the audio magazines.
And not everyone who buys expensive audio gear does it because they appreciate great sound or great music. A dealer for Wilson speakers told me he sells a lot of systems purely because of the competition among young software gazillionaires to have the coolest toys. A restaurant owner friend told a similar story about expensive wine, he spent considerable time tracking down exotic bottles his wealthy customers could spend $400 on to impress their dinner guests. It wasn't the taste of the wine that was important to them.
Wilson Audio is not expensive, nor is $400.00 for a bottle of wine. To some neither is Higher-Fi.
200K Ferrari or 200K speakers whats the difference? They both please the palette but just in different directions..
Let the guy spend his money as he chooses and mind your own business.

Which probably needs more attention anyway.
The man can advertise anywhere that he damned well pleases. Why should it matter to you?