Can I take American equipment to Europe?

Hello All,

I have a chance to move to Europe. Is it possible to take all my American gear (Martin Logan, Jeff Rowland, PS Audio, and others) to Europe and get some gizmo that will convert the electicity for me? Is there any loss of sonic quality?


That gizmo would be a voltage converter. $9.99 at Walmart.

Probably there's an audiophile voltage converter that will cost 10 x as much, and do exactly the same.

there will be no difference in sound, but no doubt someone will come up with some reason why it would sound different.
You need a heavy duty step down transformer that will be able to handle the power required for your system. I personally would not trust the cheap travel converters to be used on expensive audio equipment.
There is a sonic difference between different converters.
Just like different amps and power cords.
The Walmart converter might sound great, thats a broad stroke to say there's no difference in the sonic signature.