Can I take American equipment to Europe?

Hello All,

I have a chance to move to Europe. Is it possible to take all my American gear (Martin Logan, Jeff Rowland, PS Audio, and others) to Europe and get some gizmo that will convert the electicity for me? Is there any loss of sonic quality?


Many thanks to all who have pitched in so far. Any others agree with the PS Audio power plant idea?
You can find a PS Audio device which will switch mains frequency from 50Hz coming out of the wall to 60Hz output (I am using one now - a P300) however, to my knowledge, you will not find one which will both step down the voltage AND change the frequency generated. The only product I know which would do that is one VERY expensive version of a CSE power regenerator (CSE is a Japanese company), and that would cost probably $2000-2500, and probably would not do all your equipment - just some of it. Not all PS Audio power plants (notably the PPP) will accept a different input frequency (i.e. accept a 50Hz input and output 60Hz). The older P300, P500 and possibly P600 will, but they have limited current capacity, so lower power items such as preamps, CD players, and whatnot should work. Higher-power devices are perhaps best sent back to the mfr for a transformer change by the mfr. It may cost more than a cheapo transformer but it may also allow you to sell them used in the market where you reside (which may have a higher resale price than the US - especially given the condition of the dollar compared to the euro since you bought your items).

Remember the overhead required too.
You may wish to look into whether your components are easy to convert. Some are. Many manufacturers with relatively low volumes use the same transformer across all models...and therefore converting voltage costs an engineer very little time to move the taps...move the wires across and change the fuses. Check with the is a couple of phone calls/emails, and you may find it costs about the same to have all your equipment done has buying a big voltage converter.