Are the CD'S days numbered?

Ford will no longer put CD players in new cars. Are they going the way of cassette and 8 track?
I believe so. With music servers and Hi Rez downloads becoming more available and affordable I think so.
I'm looking at a music server/player myself.
I have been looking at the Bryston Hi Rez music player and it looks very nice.
I still play vinyl all the time so CD's might hang in there for a while.
Joe Nies
i hope so. that way there will be more at the flea markets for a dollar or two. old ones obviously. i had not heard that news about ford. i guess they are going to usb? or wireless?
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Regardless of what Ford is, or isn't doing, my guess is that the CD is headed towards one of two futures - either as a small niche product, like the LP, or into 8-track oblivion. Hard to say which, although I think oblivion would be a much longer time coming than it was for 8-track, simply because of the number of CDs in existence and their durability. Personally I lean towards "niche product," but my crystal ball has always had poor reception.