Are the CD'S days numbered?

Ford will no longer put CD players in new cars. Are they going the way of cassette and 8 track?
You will still be able to get cd as option its just not going to be standard. Its telling but this is from same company that went from 5th to 23rd in complaint rankings based in some part to its SYNC system with its numerous flaws so things may change.
My only fear is that there will be an attendant loss of QC in the making of CDs as the demand lessens. There are so many poorly made ones out there that no DAC can rescue no matter the pedigree. That's not to say that they're aren't any great ones out there right now. You'll always find great mastering that will allow you to enjoy listening and forget about what format is lurking around the next corner.

With all the hype about computer based music sounding so superior to CDs, I just love reading Vic's blog over at Pacific Valve and Electric Audio. He thinks its all BS: you can't get 192 rates over a USB, computers are too noisy, etc. I don't know if he's right or way off base but its refreshing to hear another point of view that in the end validates the good old CDP. He seems to think modified Netgear servers are the way to go. I'll stick with my CDP.
Hi Nonoise

i also believe that as technology continues to advance, we are likely to see a continuation of a trend i have noticed...remastering of old albums onto CD. The entire Police/Sting collection, U2, and many other bands have had their stuff remastered (vintage '08...not '93)...and it is really good! Bob Ludwig has done all of the Police/Sting albums...i have several and they are incredibly good. Tons of jazz/blues albums are being remastered onto CD.

Here's to hoping that the labels 'better angels in nature' see the potential and market for this. I've got a Trent Reznor NIN remastered CD that goes a long way towards making it listenable. There are so many CDs out there, begging for a new lease on life. Lets hope its not too costly.