Hurricane Irene

To all in its path:
Stay safe and be sure to unplug your system
Things beginning to calm now. No power so no tunes. Wild winds today here outside Richmond. A few fatalities reported.
Currently getting hammered here in Bristol Connecticut, mostly by heavy rains. Wind not so bad so far. 200 plus thousand out of power. So, far no water in my house and audio gear is unplugged and placed off the floor.
I think another 6 > 10 hours and we'll be through the worst of it. Mother nature is truely impressive at times.
Glad you left safely on Thursday, Joe. My sister's family also left then, as the town ordered everyone out by midnight. Hopefully, you didn't have any excitement in Cinnaminson.

Frank Pittaluga's Shell station? As a kid I used to call him Frank "Spit a luga". The Ocean View Wawa you also mentioned - if you called it "offshore" as we do, it would sound bass ackwards to anyone not from these parts, as they would (rightly) assume offshore means out in the ocean.

So far, this has been more or less a complete non-event here. I'm thankful to not have lost power. It rained OK in the early evening, but that seemed to be the height of things. 5.5" of rain in Philadelphia over the course of many hours. Not sure what part of town that number comes from, but I can't believe I got that here. We got over 4" last weekend, and 2" several times in the week or so prior to that - all of them in very order. This was not a bad storm at all. I WAS scared last Thursday night, the lightning was hellacious. In this, the wettest August here on record, most of the storms I've seen over the past two weeks made this look like a pretty nice day.

Thankfully, the overall damage at the shore is minimal, if anything. Looking forward to tomorrow, and starting what should be an absolutely beautiful week there.

FUNNY story, I was just watching the local (Philadelphia) news, and they obviously have a lot of their team down the shore. The beachfront house the 6 ABC reporter was standing in front of in Goldeneraguy's hometown of Ventnor had its lawn's sprinkler system come on about 10 minutes ago. You can't make this stuff up!!!

Here's hoping you fellows north of us don't see anything of note, either...

Priceless regarding the sprinklers. Truth is stranger than fiction, and funnier too. Glad to see everything's ok in your neck of the woods.