Designer Hall of Fame

There are many great designers out there, and especially in the lore from the golden age, but I'm not to familiar with them. I thought it might be interesting to discuss some of the great designers for engineering skill and knowledge, business integrity, and ultimatley quality of their products. My short list a "hall of fame" if you will of designers working today are:

Nelson Pass, Pass Labs
Charles Hansen, Ayre
Roger Modjeski, Music Reference
Ken Stevens, Convergent Audio Technolgy (CAT)
Kevin Hayes, VAC

and how could I leave Jeff Rowland off? Well it is a short list. Who would you nominate?
Apologies if I missed it and this is a repeat but my top of the list would be Prof, Keith Johnson and Rick Freyer of Spectral Audio, Reference Recordings and Pacific Microsonics and possibly Michael Ritter of Berekeley Audio Designs belongs in that same group. There work makes up much of my system and brings me great great joy, many thanks gentleman.

Great music has always been linked to great equipment. The old blues players that everyone are crazy about would've had more fun if their guitars weren't garbage. Imagine the "Flight of The Bumblebee" on an old wine jug.
Three manufacturers of great British tube amps.

Arthur Radford designed probably the best ever push pull amplifier made, the STA15 in the 1960s.

Graham Tricker (TRON) and Gary Dews (Border Patrol - ok,Gary now lives in the MD, USA) are two of the best tube amplifier designers around today.