Are you an Audiophile?

For many years, before I came to this forum; I considered myself an "Audiophile". Now, I am absolutely positively sure, that I am not an "Audiophile".
Good question, Marty.

Actually, after thinking about the answer, I'd like to amend my statement. If you visit (by that I mean, came here, and return more than once) this site (or AudioAsylum, AudioCircle, AudioKarma, AudioWhatever, etc.) , you most certainly ARE an audiophile.

Denial isn't just a river in Egypt...
One component every two/three years except cartridges and cables perhaps.
09-19-11: Sonicbeauty
Funny how so many people refuse to accept this reality about them, and hide behind the ''music-lover-first'' mask."

Damn straight, Sonic.
People - The first step to freedom is admitting you are what you are. You love music, so what. I love freakin' astronomy but it doesn't change the fact that I am, and all of you, are audiophiles.
Learn it!
Live it!
Love it!
OK, how about "Audiophile lite". Would you accept that for us music lovers who are tired of playing with equipment, and just want to listen to the beautiful sounds that our labors have made possible?
I prefer Audiophile in denial, but I'll compromise and accept Audiophile lite.
I can't speak for the other guys, though.
