Are you an Audiophile?

For many years, before I came to this forum; I considered myself an "Audiophile". Now, I am absolutely positively sure, that I am not an "Audiophile".
participating as a poster or originator of thread does not necessarily equate to being an audiophile.

thereare many motivations for engaging in audio discussions. one can be philosophically-oriented and discuss audio subjects, without even owning a stereo system.

you don't have to own a car to discusss cars. you don't have to own a book to discuss books, etc. .
I do rather fancy myself as one. Within any given visit here, I can quickly find ramblings of those in a much worse and advanced state than I. It makes me feel better about myself. Sometimes when I tell people on the street that I'm an audiophile, they give me loose change! If a stranger begins to bother me, I divulge that I suffer from audiophilia. They quickly cover their mouth and retreat. Yes, being an audiophile does have it's perks:)