The Audiophile's Wife

My wife has put up with my a-phile ways for years and has decided to write a blog about it. Thought you (or more likely your spouse) might get a kick out of it.

Even though she writes with a bit of an edge, she's really a good sport and very supportive of my "hobby".
My wife (now separated) has threatened to throw water on my rig when I was out of town on a family emergency. I think she was drinking at that time, but for peace of mind I have since boxed everything up for my own mental health. Can anubody here relate to that?? Or am I married to a nut case?
To me it sounds like you pissed her off royally, but it is probably not about the audio system. What else did you do or say to her? Given that you are separated it was probably a whole lot of other little things and maybe a few big things too.
Grannyring - You're one lucky dude. She's not nearly as uninformed or uninvolved as she claims to be. Great stuff from her. I'm thinking I will forward to my wife but trying to evaluate the potential consequences. She is MAJORLY disinterested in my audio pursuit.