I'm surprised to see no mention of TWL. He stood as one of the most interesting and pioneering individuals I met through this site. Is he still camping in Tennessee?
One of the reasons I tire of reading this stuff is the perpetual emphasis in brands. Audio theory, practices and principles tend to lead us away from endless mention of companies which have not grown along with us.
Many long time users have gotten off the highway and cannot any longer communicate successfully with those who still have their noses buried in TAS and Stereopile.
Censorship is very discouraging also. It seems random at best and uneven otherwise.
One of the reasons I tire of reading this stuff is the perpetual emphasis in brands. Audio theory, practices and principles tend to lead us away from endless mention of companies which have not grown along with us.
Many long time users have gotten off the highway and cannot any longer communicate successfully with those who still have their noses buried in TAS and Stereopile.
Censorship is very discouraging also. It seems random at best and uneven otherwise.