What would you upgrade next if you had my hifi ?

You can get a fairly good look a my junk from my system link , since the original link I've upgraded to an Ayre C5MP CD player and ARC DAC8 . Jive and jokes welcome . Regards
Interesting responses , to answer Mapmans question first , I don't no if anything really needs improving , but to be an audiophile you also become a bit of a perfectionist so your journey is never over . I have many interests and hobbies , our beach house and incredible new boat are great , but music and audio are my only real passion . At this point upgrades are expensive and improvements are small , the old diminished returns syndrome I guess , so I want to make the right choices not just through money at it .
To answer another question that was posted , I do have mid fi interconnects , ( Audioquest , Madrigal , NBS , ect ) I did try some of Shunyada's top tier cables , $3500 a pop but the difference was very small , so I pasted .
The wind chimes were the last thing my five year old daughter gave me before she surrendered to health problems .
More velvet paintings! I think you need an Elvis to round out the collection.

Seriously though, I concur regarding the paneling - unless its nailed onto furring strips, it essentially makes for multiple resonating cavities which tend to act as broadband diaphragmatic absorbers or Helmholz resonators, affecting room acoustics (especially the low end) significantly.
Add cats, and children. Their conspicuous absence is often noted in ads on Audiogon.
Get a record player. Your digital is excellent, but you shouldn't deprive yourself of vinyl. No need to spend a fortune. Buy a Music Hall MMF-7 and 10 new records from Acoustic Sounds just to see if you enjoy the whole experience. If you do, you can always upgrade later.
I don't think I'd change a thing with the gear you have. Lots of beautiful stuff.

What about adding tweaks to your system? Isoclean or Furutech fuses in all of your gear, $36 to $100 wall outlets, Dedicated power lines, Shakti stones or other crystals on the ICs?