Steve Jobs we will miss you

My prayers are with Steve's family at this time. He was a great visionary and technology as we know it today is because of his visions. I'm glad he no longer suffers. May he fly with the angles and if he's there with God heaven is about to be upgraded!!!

Rest in Peace, Steve, and may God give peace to your family and loved ones.
Come on, about dead "either good or nothing".
Upgraded heaven? Well put. When it is time for me to go there I will choose if I can a regular one, no upgrades.
Yeah, I do feel sad esp. since he was such a visionary in the technology field (in which it is difficult to be these days & to have such an impact simultaneously). This field is very much lacking men (those sit in powerful positions that can influence) who have a true vision that can change people's lives with technology(they are all concerned with stuffing their pockets instead). I also feel sad that a young man's life was cut short. It seems to me that the best do not stay on Earth for too long; they seem to be needed elsewhere.....
I'm a very modest Apple consumer but I had a deep respect for him just 'cuz of how & what he did that nobody else could.
As I opened this thread, Pete Seeger doing "Sweet Low Sweet Chariot" cued up on my iTunes managed system. :)

An Insanely Great American.

His Stanford Commencement Speech is a classic.

Thanks Steve and RIP.