S/N ratio vs. dishes and stupid cats.

Anybody else find all their informed decisions and money spent on component selection for that elusive synergy squandered by hungry whiny cats and the sound of kitchen cleaning in the background? I really appreciate it when my wife cleans up but the soundstage completely collapses when she runs the disposer.
Simple... when you're listening just tell your wife to go to her room and the cat will follow. You can try asking nicely first but if that doesn't work just put your foot down. You're the "man," right?

The other problem is nieghborhood barking dogs. Why would anyone want a creature that leaves crap everywhere

Look on the bright side ... those dogs have created more "Shovel Ready Jobs" than Obama ever did
Davehrab, I must agree and add: at no expense to future generations of taxpayers.
Don't blame the dogs ! Blame the owners . We have had many fine canines , I was able to teach each and everyone of them not to bark unnecessarily . It was allot easier then teaching the better half not to natter away like a mad squirrel .
I guess I'm lucky , my listening/living room is free of annoying noise except for low level heating and A/C noise .