You never see this anymore

There was a company called Cello in the early 90's that would put a totally matching system for you. They had 3 price ranges. You could audition their systems at the cello music store in West Hollywood,Ca. I don't know of a company today that does this. Maybe audio is so dead nowadays people just don't care. FYI- Mark Levinson the man not the company owned Cello music systems.
'Oh, yes I have hi end brick and mortar store in my town but never go there anymore. Why? They know nothing about great customer service.'

Acting like audiophiles??
I had the same reaction as Rrog, especially with Linn, a company which has names for its systems, complete with cables. Rega is another. A store local to me, Audio Concepts, has a list of recommended systems at variable price points on their website. I am sure they would be happy with put one together for you.
There was a time when Linn tried to dictate what other brands dealers sold and how they demoed Linn equipment. One dealer I knew called it blackmail.
Funny part was when they trained the sales people to sit motionless and detached as they listened to the competitor's system. Then when they switched to the Linn gear, they were instructed to tap their foot and nod their head like they were getting into the music. Marketing.
hi rock2id:

regarding dealers, i see the problem of the utility of dealers as basically, an unrealistic environment for assessing the nature of components, not so much a problem of customer service.

customer service is overrated.
'i see the problem of the utility of dealers as basically, an unrealistic environment for assessing the nature of components, not so much a problem of customer service.'

I agree with your assessment. However dealers could be a little more customer friendly. They some times take on attitudes sort of like butlers in ultra rich households. Forgetting that the person with the money, is the most important in the whole equation. It could be that audio as we know and love it, is becoming a niche market. Music is a youth driven market, and they are into convience and portability. The attitude of some dealers and the outrageous prices, do nothing to attract the young. i.e. the future.