Ayre AX-5 Integrated Amplifier

Any comments on the New Ayre AX-5 Integrated Amplifier? I know its list price is $10,000. Does anyone have any impressions on this unit that was recently released?

I currently have a killer all tube amp & preamp. I am always looking for ways to simplify my system while maintaining its sonic purity. I listen mostly to classical and jazz at moderate listening levels. My speakers are Intuitive Designs Summits and they come alive with quality power.
I wish I had the cake for the Ax-5 but I don't find it any better than the Hegel H200 except for build quality. Seriously.
Don,, what else was in the system? I've heard the brand new H200 vs the AX-5 and it wasn't even close to any of us in the room. Even the guy who had the Hegel was bummed that he just got it (yes it was broken in). He brought it in to audition new speakers at a different dealer. It's funny how many 'other' products I've been able to hear while at a dealer that doesn't even sell said product, lol.

the Ayre just had much more space around the instruments. The bass seemed to go even lower and tighter/more accurate. It just seemed to everything a bit better. We listened to it on the larger Dynaudio (forget the model, but it retails for over 15k), the Paradigm signature 8, Wilson Sasha (both made the Sasha's much more enjoyable than any other time I've heard it) and some floorstanding Revels (again, didn't catch the model). I've also heard the 5 sound awesome on some Proac D2's at Audio Connection as John had it in the front of the store at the time. Again, just my ears, but side by side the Ayre was just more musical for me. I did love the Hegel though. Isn't the Ayre much more money?
If it can make the Sasha sound good it must be amazing. I'll be on the hunt.
Yea, I've never liked Wilsons. Say too bright and no coherence. I'm just not into them either, but plenty seem to be. It reminds me of the Klipshorn in the 70's. Everyone thought they were the best you could possibly have. Like the Wilsons, they were dynamic and loud.