impact of room treatment

I am curious what benefits have been seen through basic room treatments. I was thinking of starting with panels in the front and back. I am looking for seperation of sound, the midrange. What component of the system would contribute most to this aspect?
My room (11x13) is furnished with only two chairs for listening and a set of shelves holding cds on one side. There is nothing else to remove/absorb/diffuse reflected sound.
First and most notable difference was a reduction of harshness with the addition of 4 inch thick panels at first reflection point. It cleared up the imaging and brought the soundstage into focus.
There is a 4 inch thick panel directly behind the listening position and I also use Aurelex bass traps in two of the corners which seemed to help tighten up the bass.
With these treatments I can turn the volume up much further than before without overloading the room.

I found ASC tube traps cleaned up the bass allowing the mids to become much more defined. Panel traps weren't anywhere near as effective at this. There are many choices out there and many are designed to look like furniture, square side tables etc. be sure to look at all the options.