Top 10 Snafus to avoid when building a good rig

OK, I'm sure we'll come up with more than 10. Whatever.

Maybe I'll compile the top 10 once we get a few.

I'll start with my #1: avoid putting speakers that are too big in a room that is too small
Attributing sonic characteristics to components or cables that are in fact the result of INTERACTIONS between those components or cables and what they are connected to, and/or other parts of the system.

Seconding Ahendler's comment, I believe that kind of mis-attribution is a major reason for over-reliance on the opinions of others, because it can result in unfounded expectations that the reported experiences of others will be consistent across different systems.

See Bryon Cunningham's outstanding post here.

Best regards,
-- Al
11-10-11: Ahendler
Listening to others opinions rather than trusting your own ears

Gotta go with this one too.
Post removed 
Convincing yourself that a particular component is going to be the holy grail, thus justifying spending more money on it than it is really worth or can be resold at.