Need Some DAC + Headphone Advice

Hi Folks:

I have a friend who would like to move into two channel audio via a headphone system. For the moment we are thinking about a DAC/Headphone amp using his laptop music files as a source. He is now sampling headphones but will probably end up with a pair of Sennheiser HD650s. Once his daughter vacates for college he is planning to take over her room over the garage and build a two channel system. Therefore, another approach would be to go for a integrated, preamp or CD player that has a good headphone amp built in so that he can use either once he goes to the larger system. He is a musician so sound quality is key thus the headphone amp + DAC is probably the best route. Price range is around $500 for the DAC/Headphone amp or $1k for either a integrate, preamp or cd player with a headphone amp built in. Suggestions are appreciated.
Another alternative to the all in one unit from Peachtree is the Bel Canto integrated with built in DAC. Don't remember the model number but I had heard it was pretty highly rated.
Check out the Centrance DACmini. It doesn't start out as a pre amp but can be modded. The volume is for the headphone output but can be modded to be used as a preamp for $99.
Check out the reviews.
Per Marco's response, I have heard the Lyrr headphone amp with a music streamer 2+ sound wonderful together, and not too pricey.