Equipment you just must get if you can

I mean something that you may not exactly need or/and cannot quite afford but still within reach, so if that piece comes up for sale, the price and the seller are right you would buy it because you really want to.
For me it would be Michael Green Audio Chameleon speakers.

nice choice on the MGD Chameleons---I happen to have a pair and love them---Mine aren't the latest version, but the 3rd version. I often think of selling them but don't think I could ever replace them with anything close to what I would get for them.
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Justlisten, I appreciate your sadism. Let me tell you something - never sell them. Their going price would be $2000 or so which is ridiculous.
The truth is that very often I don't know what I am looking for until I find it. I often think about what level of performance I want rather than a specific component. Somewhat over a year ago when I was looking for a pair of newer speakers I was mainly looking at Sonus Faber Cremona. But before I found a pair at a good price I found my Gamut L5s so got those instead. I have been looking for a Naim DAC for a couple of years and made a couple of offers but never succeeded so I got a Rega this summer; it was very good but when I saw the HIFICRITIC review of the Metrum Octave I decided to take a chance on one; sold the Rega and ordered one. I had never heard of it before so although I wanted an upgraded dac I didn't know which one.
Stan, this is different but I know what you are saying, I think. For some reason I want to try Gryphon electronics and Echole cables. I have no idea why, but both are not even close to being within my reach.
And Michael Green speakers that I mentioned - I know exactly why I want them and theoretically I could afford them though I would have to skip breakfast and lunch for couple of months to pay for them.