Fed up with people making noise at classical shows

Last night I heard Vladimir Feltsman perform Chopin's Ballades at the Perelman Theater in Philadelphia's Kimmel Center. My excitement was building as my favorite part of the first Ballade approached. Immediately before the key was struck, someone sneezed. It was at that moment that I asked myself, "What the hell am I doing here? I have this at home, recorded by three different pianists." Throughout the performance were the sounds of coughing, sneezing moving in one's seat, dropping of programs, and talking.

I know this is the chance you take when attending live classical concerts and I LOVE hearing live music, but frankly I'm sick of it. I'm sick of paying money for traveling and the ticket itself just to be annoyed for two hours. Last Tuesday night a ringing cell phone disrupted a performance by the New York Philharmonic to the point where the conductor actually stopped the orchestra half way through Mahler's Ninth and addressed the moron who wouldn't shut it off.

Once, DURING A PERFORMANCE, someone got out of their seat, walked up to the stage and began "conducting the orchestra" with an imaginary baton.

As I said, I love attending live music, but when things like this happen, I'm ready to just stay home and save myself the aggravation.

Sorry, just had to vent.
I went to the opera last night, we had third row seats. Upon arrival at our seats my wife made a comment about how our view would surely be unobstructed. But, there was one seat free in front of mine, so I replied back, the view will be good provided that the person that will be seated in front of me wont be 7ft tall.

Moments later, the person arrived. She wasn't specially tall, but she was fashionable (at least she thought she was). She had her hair coiffed up. She had gelled it straight up like a fan. It stood at least 3 inches above her head.

I can appreciate that the opera is a social event where some go to be seen. But please!

I think the issue here is not specifically the noise but how people don't take the time to consider the impact of their actions on those around them. It is as if some people live in a bubble. This stretches beyond the concert hall.
Mark W. Sounds much closer to my opinion than of those who kept slamming me for trying repeatedly to reason with folks here. I cant help but feel a sort of vindication as this opinion came from the top if the food chain. Cheers
Your responsible for 21/96 posts! Check with the Audiogon staff if this sets a thread record. Maybe they will send you some party noise makers to bring to your next classical concert!