See the difference?
Yes, Geoff, I do see the difference. I misunderstood what you were attempting to express. My misunderstanding isn't for want of reading comprehension, I assure you.
This unfortunate tangent began when, in response to my comment that it would be more honest for the folks at Bybee to say, "These work. We don't know why," you wrote only the following...
You think that's more honest? Interesting.
That comment was cryptic, and I told you as much. Your "clarification" was...
the word Quantum automatically provokes a response, as if Quantum Mechanics is used deliberately by manufacturers to cover up a more mundane, conventional explanation, to protect their invention. Maybe the Bybee device is only a resister. Lol
This comment does not reduce the ambiguity of your first remark. It intensifies it. It could be taken to mean...
Some manufacturers use the term 'quantum' as a deceptive tactic to conceal the bogus nature of their products and sell them to gullible audiophiles. Bybee's Quantum Purifier is an example of that kind of bogus product.
It could also be taken to mean...
Some audiophiles INTERPRET the use of the term 'quantum' as a manufacturer's deceptive tactic to conceal the bogus nature of their products and sell them to gullible audiophiles. Bybee's Quantum Purifier is an example of that kind of unfairly judged product.
I take it from your last post that you intended the latter and not the former. In any event, I would invite you to consider that your meaning is not as self-evident as you seem to believe.