How long it takes to break in Running Spring Haley

Hi all,
I purchased the latest version of Running Springs Haley about 3 months ago, and up till now it doesn't sound like broken in yet. My system consists of a Cambridge 840C CDP and Luxman SQ-N100 tube amp. In average, I use my system between 5 to 10 hours per week, mostly listening to audiophile jazz vocals and classical.
After 3 months of usage, the sound has gotten slightly better, but still lacking impact in bass, rather "tight" (or constricted, not free flowing) in the mids, and kind of shrill (slightly disjointed with the rest of the spectrum) in the highs. This is in comparison with the power bar (no filtering) I was using previously. Yes I can hear more details and layering, but how long will it take for the sound to open up and smooth out the rough edges?

Many thanks.
I have a Ha;ey and a Jaco and after 3 months you have heard the extent of what it will do for you system. If you are still lacking in certain areas of your sound, you need to look at cables,components, speaker placement etc. I really believe that after the first few weeks of owning my RSA's I had heard all the difference they would bring to the table. They did help a lot, but they weren't the final fix.
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