Audio stuff I've lost in my own home...

I have had a few audio related items disappear from my home over the years. Not misplaced but gone. I've searched over and over for them to no avail.
1.Set of 2 brand new Eichmann Bullet RCA plugs unopened.
2.Krell remote for a 300i integrated amp, since sold.
3.One of the three little black nuts that hold the VPI nameplate down on my turntable.
Has this happened to anyone else or is it just me?
This may be confusing but:
I have only lost items when I am looking for them.
When I am looking for something alse I find the other lost item.
I think it's because I put things where I know I will find them later and then forget.
Well, this thread must have been a harbinger of good things.

The Coincident IC turned up this evening after my spending something like a year looking for it. Thanks, everyone!