Room treatments - GIK Vs Acoustimac

I would like to hear from you, opinions on treatments available from GIK and Acoustimac. I am leaning towards GIK, cause I have read nothing but very good user reviews on them. And in one such review I came across Acoustimac panels. Researched them and found that they make acoustic panels using the same material that GIK uses, but at much lesser price points. They also give you the option of buying 1 panel at a time. They are the only ones that have some eco-panels, albeit at a slightly higher price point.
I did not compare the two. IMHO, acoustic panel treatments like these are pretty much the same. They don't make a "sound", so it would be pretty hard to tell any differnce. They are made with, more or less, the same materials.

I just liked the build quality, choice of colors and the ability to buy one or two, better with the Acoustimacs.

Like I said above, either one will do the job well. If you need the reviews to validate your purchase, buy the GIKs.
GIk uses 8lbs/ft. density material while Acoustimac uses 4lb/ft.and the test results from the lab are better for GIK.Results are posted on their websites.One is good the other better.
From the info I found, they use the same exact materials. I can't see how one can have a higher, (or lower) rating than the other. Are you sure you are comparing the same model and SIZE of panel?
In addition to my above post, I looked on both sites and could find nothing stating the rating that Lifeengineer posted? Acoustimac gives a NRC and a SAA rating. I couldn't find this info on the GIK site at all.

Both GIK and Acoustimac use Owens Corning 703 in a size of 2 feet by 4 feet by 2 inch thick, (GIK is model 242, Acoustimac is model DMD-422). These are put into a wood frame with fabric wrapped around and pulled tight. Unless they are using Voodoo, Magic or Alien Technology, these are going to have pretty much the same rating.