Coconut-Audio tweeks

Are these things for real,has anybody really tried these tweeks,the guy from Sweden is claiming these are the greastest thing since sliced bread! I need the skiny on this...Thankx
I'm surprised Coconut Audio products found their way to this site. This lessens the credibility of the 'Gon, and I thought this is supposed to be a reputable audio site.

This one really cracked me up.
03-17-12: Ryder
I'm surprised Coconut Audio products found their way to this site. This lessens the credibility of the 'Gon, and I thought this is supposed to be a reputable audio site.

There's crap like this advertised here every day, not surprising at all.
The maker has a number of descriptive videos on You Tube, not hard to find. Very interesting and entertaining.