I'm looking for a nice set of cans.

Yep Audiogon is one of the few places on the internet where that is not a dirty remark.
My current set of headphones broke in half the other night. So I�ve decided to step up my head phone game and buy a really good pair of head phones. Something I can use on my main system but also when I�m traveling.
After some quick research I realize that I am very behind and out of my element with headphones. I don�t know the pros and cons of open back vs closed. Which brands are currently the best? I�ve looked at Sennheiser, B&W, and Grado but I�m open to any brand as long as the quality is there.
My uses are primarily for travel. In the car, train or plain I�d like something that can block out ambient noise and not annoy the people next to me with music leakage. If I had to prioritize my needs it would be, 1: Sound Quality. 2: noise canceling 3: staying at or below $300.
Thank you for your help and thoughts.
Ag insider logo xs@2xkenm80
You may regret stepping foot over there, but HeadFi is the go-to internet resource for headphones. Some looong threads, but also some people who know their stuff.

With your requirements, you will need closed headphones. Too much leakage in and out for open cans to work for you. Open headphones are generally considered to sound better than closed, but they aren't great for use outside of a quiet space.

Another thing that will help folks give good recommendations is whether or not you plan on pairing them with an amp (and there are some nice portable headphone amps out there too). Some cans will need more power than an iPod etc can provide.

Lastly, what are your listening preferences? Both in terms of genres of music as well as what you mist listen for an appreciate when music is playing (bass? treble? soundstage? dynamics? transients?)
Don't be turned off that these say DJ headphones. They have good SQ and are way under $300. No active noise cancellation though but they do a good job of isolating ambient noise.

AIAIAI TMA-1 DJ Headphones


Definitely easy to carry and can be used with portable devices.

Another favorite of mine but isn't so travel friendly IMO due to the rather long coiled cord it employs is the Sony MDR V6. Be sure to get the velour pads as an upgrade. Definitely improves the comfort.
Roscoeiii thanks for the response! That's what i figured about open cans but i wanted to ask first. the Grados are tempting but since they are all open they won't work.

as far as my preferences go i'm very eclectic. rock, classical, musicals, electronic/techno. Honestly as long as it sounds good i'll listen to it. As far as the "type" of sound I'd say a combination of sound stage and accuracy is closest to what i like, i don't want artificial bass humps like the Beats have. and i appreciate treble but i like a more even balance of bass, mid, and treble. I don't have a dedicated head phone amp yet, but i'd like to get one eventually. Id really love to have one for my portable use but power supply is a problem. What portable headphone amp sounds good and has a 6hour+ battery life and is worth the money?