Counterpoint - Alta Vista - Mike Elliott

I was just informed that Mike has stopped all business because of health reasons. The Alta Vista Website confirms this. I know some of you may have had some issues dealing with Mike in the past but Mike was always a professional to me and accommodating to all of my dumb questions. I learned so much from his designs and I know that they were way ahead of their time. I just finished modifying an SA-5000 for a few audiophiles based on the information provided on the Alta Vista Audio website and they sound excellent. I still own the current version of the NP-220 power amp.

Well my thoughts and prayers go out to Mike and his family.

Thanks Mike for everything.
Thanks for the response, I can't access the Alta Vista Audio website. It appears to have vanished. So I don't know more than I put in the tread. I thought I copied the descriptions, but I can find where I put them if I did.

The transformer is a Plitron and the choke also I believe.
I use the amp for midrange in a Linkwitz Orion setup. The Woofers are driven by an Emotiva XPA 5, FWIW.
Hmm it is gone. I guess Mike finally closed it down. Send me a message directly with your email.
FYI - I can fix, rebuild, modify any component or build something to your liking. If you want to ship something overseas, I can do that for you also. For most of the SA-20 / SA-220 amps, the mosfets burn out and I typically install bipolar transistors. I think they sound better than the mosfets and I think the amps sound better than the original NP amps that Mike designed. I have compared them directly now that I get them into repair. I also add a few additional modifications that I use in my own designs. My prices are about half of what Alta Vista charged.

Send me a message though Agon if you need to contact me. The Alta Vista website seems to be gone.