Quietest fan for room

My stereo room doesn't have a fan and it's too hot to listen comfortably. I need a fan but don't want a lot of fan noise. Can somebody recommend a very quiet fan? Thanks.
Go to Home Depot and demo the fans, buy the best $20 fan you can find. Geez, do I have to do all the thinking around here?

Believe it or not, i did just that y'day. Of course i get the box home, assemble it and... too loud. Now have to box it back up and take it back.
Seems most fans are too loud for me. I thought someone may have a specific model that is very quiet...maybe that funny dyson fan or something.
Dyson I think makes the quietest fan available but cost $200.00+.
Checking out a fan noise level in a store like Home Depot is not a good idea. The white noise level is probably 60 to 80 DB to start. If you have a DC to AC converter ask if you can take the display model to your car, that may give you an idea of how quiet it is.
Some fans will have a DB rating so check the manufacturers web site for info. Also the less a pitch or angle on the blade the quieter it will be.