A Capital Audiofest 2012 thread

I hope to attend. Any others? ANy thoughts on anything particular advertised for CAF 2012 of particular interest?
One other thing i took notice of at caf that may be of interest to me was the new vpi traveller turntables. I have not heard the cost but the build quaiity looked good and the design fairly clean and straightforward. If my trusty linn ever dies, maybe this could be a worthy heir to run my dl103r cart with.
The VPI Traveler is $1295.

Again, most rooms impressed me in a bad way, but I found the Joseph Audio loudspeaker room where it resided sounded terrific.
Trelja, do you know offhand if that includes the tonearm that was displayed?

Mapman, I didn't even give the tonearm a look. But, I would say what you saw, is what you get.

I spoke to Matthew and Harry Weisfeld up in NYC in April. This TT is Matthew's first release in the position he's taken on, and in his words, the level of quality built into it caused the pricing to come in higher than their initial $995 target. Personally, I felt a made in the USA TT at $995 would present the most attractive package possible. But their demand for doing things in the best possible manner took the product here, and I do believe they have a winner on their hands. Beyond all of that, you're dealing with such a wonderful family in the Weisfelds.
Thanks Trelja.

I hope anyone who likes this site considers supporting any local audiophile events in their area when they occur. What more could an audiophile ask for than dozens of different nice sounding rooms playing music filled with people who appreciate these things? I went home with 3 Mapleshade CDs and two good condition used RCA Living Stereo records from the 50's and early 60's (including a Chet Atkins title) for $32. Not bad! Oh, and a DIY recipe that almost anyone could follow for $800 worth of speakers with the ability to claim giant killer status.