A Capital Audiofest 2012 thread

I hope to attend. Any others? ANy thoughts on anything particular advertised for CAF 2012 of particular interest?
Mapman, Trelja,

Please note that the DIY open-baffle speakers AND amplifier were built for $850. The speakers (drivers) cost about $135 each from Parts Express. Just add wood, glue, and screws. There was a passive "crossover" that tuned the response a bit to smooth it out. If they are not in the plans, post something here and I'll work to get a schematic.
Really interesting for me to read people's impressions. I was there for the three days but spent most of my time running one of the DIY rooms. I did get around to listening to most of the rooms on Sat (took my 17 yo son around as well, he's a musician and has good ears). Overall I was very disappointed in the sound. Most of the rooms had boomy, cluttered bass that could have been improved with room treatment. Why didn't they bother? Highwater Sound was a big letdown for me. I'm a big fan of Jeff's for his passionate commitment to music but those speakers were impossibly colored as were the electrostats in our room. Just shows that everybody hears in a different way. People loved the DIY electrostats, but as Salectric said, not my cup of tea.

I really hope the show will survive and prosper though, hard to hear a variety of equipment short of traveling to Denver.

Thanks for that.

I have the sheet that was handed out for the DIY open baffle speakers but have not had a chance to read yet.

$850 sounded high for the speaker parts alone. That's a very impressive price point for amp and speakers.

I noticed what appeared to be crossover components hanging off the backs but the guy there early Sunday afternoon indicated they were not in use when I asked about it.
the problem with audio "shows" is the many variables which to create poor sound.