Owens Corning 703

I am using this material to build out a music room in the basement - I have glued/tacked 1 inch sheets to my open ceiling between floor joists. My designer has suggested covering the ceiling with cloth to use the whole ceiling area as diffusion.

My question is will this keep fiberglass from floating around since there will be approx 5 inch gap between the fiberglass and cloth? I know most applications for bass traps for example, involve adhesion of the cloth to the fiberglass board...thanks.
Some trap builders use a sheet of plastic or fine woven cloth over the fiberglass. That does affect the absorbancy to some degree but not sure how much. Then, there's the fire rating...

Is there a health concern? Didn't use to be about asbestos either. Now there are rising concerns about silica (cement). Maybe, breathing air causes cancer.
Good point Ngjockey....whats bad for you today is good for you tomorow and vice versa!
The owenscorning will stay in place unless phsically disrupted . A fabric will look best and would trap any loose particles if for any reason it got disrupted .
Try rock wool instead of fiber glass, products such as Roxul Safe n'Sound. The rock wool is less of an iretant than fiberglass.

As for facing materials, for my bass traps I bought fabric from Ikea and used it to cover the Roxul. Just be sure that the material has a tight weeve.

For my ceiling I do the following, I suspended two layers of insulation between the joists and left an air gap between the insulation and floor above. The first layer looking from below is a 3/4" thick fiberglass ceiling panel which is faced with a thin dimpled sheet of plastic. The plastic provides a clean surface for the ceiling. The second layer is 3" thick Roxul. check out my system picks to see the end result.

This has deadened my room substantially but, my room is small and it needs it.

I hope this helps