I have to slightly disagree with Elizabeth. I think that if you plan carefully, you can simplify your system, and scale-back while still improving the sound. In my case, I went from a mid-fi 5.1 Home Theater setup to a much simpler 2-channel setup. I started out with a Denon 2807 with NHT Classic 3 Fronts & Center with Paradigm Studio 20/5s for the surround. I moved the Denon to the bedroom, sold the NHTs for a moderate loss, and gave the Paradigms back to my dealer for full value on a better pair of speakers for my "primary" living room system. The loss I took on the NHTs was then "recouped" value-wise on a very clean floor demo Ayre integrated from the dealer. I had earlier picked up a pair of Linn Kan demos from the same dealer, which had been in the bedroom, which I then combined with the Ayre for my "scaled down" Media Room system. The Kans are physically smaller and less expensive than either the NHTs or the Paradigms, and work surprisingly well with the Ayre. In the end, I scaled down from 6 pieces of gear to 3 in the media room, and have much better sound, for about $1000 extra cost compared to my original 6-piece mid-fi Media Room system. The Denon, which I still have, is more than adequate for the bedroom system.