Modification that has proved to be transformative

in a manner well beyond swapping out gear, tweaks, wire and the like. Ok Agoners I have owned and gone through lots of great gear as evidenced by my feedback:-)

However, over the past year I have learned something I want to share. Some of you will know all about this and others will have heard about it, but with doubts. Three words....

Duelund CAST capacitors

Sure, I have cap rolled and part rolled for a few years now. Fun stuff to do and sometimes I liked the change and other times not so much. However these CAST capacitors are an entirely different animal. I placed them in my tube preamp, hybrid amp and speakers. In each component the improvement was dramatic and a game changer in many ways. Universally, each component was greatly improved by a percentage easily exceeding 25 -30%. I can't understand why gear retailing for $10,000 or much more would skimp on a crossover or coupling cap. My hybrid amp used $30-$50 caps that sounded good, but not great. Same thing in my speakers for the midrange crossover caps. The Duelund CAST caps made these high dollar pieces sound the best they are capable of.

I picked these up at Parts Connextion at a great sale price recently. They are very expensive caps, but made more affordable due to the recent sale.
I cannot overstate how superior these are to all other boutique type caps often talked about in audio threads. This, at least in my experience, has been the case in my cap rolling endeavors. I say confidently they will greatly improve any component they are used in. No need to debate about synergy and the builders tuning with parts these CAST caps are just going to make good and great sounding gear much greater!

So if you have gear utilizing coupling caps in key circuit positions this is an upgrade that will deliver far more then their high cost. Spend your thousands here before any wire change or buying and selling gear. If your gear is of very high quality and the key circuit caps are good, but not Duelund CAST, consider a cap upgrade.

I purchased two .47 uf caps for $398 and four .22 uf caps for $800. I used these in my tube pre and hybrid amp. This is easily the best $1200 I have spent in my 30 plus years in audio. As much as wire and certain tweaks do improve the sound, these caps did even more. Other highly touted caps did not garner quite this reaction from me in my system.

Now, these caps would have cost me double this if not on sale. However, they would still have qualified as a best buy in terms of their impact on my music.
Duelund Capacitors are indeed great - but expensive - if they were to be used within the regular retail chain they would add about $6000 to the price of the equipment they were installed in - in your $ 1200 cost scenario.

You should try the Jupiter Beeswax capacitors too - not quite as expensive as the Duelunds - but also very good.

As always, good listening

Your right in terms of retail Peter, at least in some cases. That is why I suggest the owner take their great gear to the next level on their own. Not hard to do with some soldering practice and internet training videos.

Folks spend thousands on gear and wire upgrades and this is one way to keep the gear you currently enjoy. Of coarse one will not recoup the cost if they sell it quickly. I did these upgrades in lieu of selling and buying again. I plan to keep this gear for many years.

I still feel putting a $30 cap in a key circuit position in a piece of gear retailing for ten to twenty thousand is a bit unsettling. It is done all the time. I can't tell you how many high dollar speakers use cheap caps and resistors. I am talking from experience as I have removed the crossovers and was floored. The same is true in amps etc...

Yes, the Duelund cost, but so do these high end pieces.
I appreciate your very interesting experince/insight with these capacitors. It does seem like money well spent. My amplifier and linestage use interstage transformers in place of coupling caps and resistors.But this has me curious in regard to my speaker crossovers(would I have the space for them?). I`ll have to do a bit of research to find out.It sounds like a worth while project.
Simply locate your crossover and see the brand and size caps employed. I don't know the type of crossover, or how complex, used in your Coincident speaker. The cap values are printed on the cap.

Duelund caps are larger as they are oil types. Not sure how much room or where they are placed in your speaker. I removed the crossover from the box of my speaker and built an external crossover box so cap size is not an issue. This improves the sound by removing all the parts from the massive amount of vibrations in the bass cab of the speaker. It also helps by eliminating any interaction with the driver magnets.

Sound improved with the same parts and I took it even further with the upgraded caps.

My previous pair of $10,000 speakers used $15 Chinese caps. Hard to believe really.

If the bass cap is a large value like 50 or 60 uf , I would leave it alone and stick with the mids and highs.

The resistors and inductors used also greatly impact the sound, but the caps, in my experience with Duelund, offer the biggest improvement. Duelund makes great sounding resistors as does Mundorf for very reasonable money.
I just read Coincident uses metal oxide resistors and they may be Mundorfs and that is good. The inductors also seem to be of good quality based on current builds. The Auric caps are good, but the Duelunds are in a completely different class to be honest.