Would you trust a local dealer to help you put

together a modest system. (think $10k). Let's say you got tired of the whole "system building on my own thing." If you had a good local dealer, would you go take a chance on them and say "I want speakers, an amp and preamp (or integrated) that will sound good in a small to medium size family room." "I already have my sources." What's your take on this?
the answer is no. the dealer's ears and brain is not my ears and brain.

i am an empiricist.

i would rather listen to different components without dealer input.

experience is the best teacher in audio.
Thanks for the responses, everyone. But of course, a dealer can make suggestions/recommendations, but the ears and judgement of the customer is the final arbiter and decision maker on what sounds good or not good. I suppose one simply trusts the dealer to make reasonable recommendations.
Maybe. If I got some good word of mouth feedback from other audio buffs in the area I'd go talk to the local dealer. It would also depend on the vibe I got when walking into the dealer. Most of the time I've seen some of what Elizabeth details. That or the place just wanted a big $20,000+ HT build. If you just wanted to buy a couple of pieces of equipment they really wouldn't want to talk to you.
The best dealer in the world doesn't have your ears,taste or room.
I have been an audiopile for over 40 yrs during which time I've lived in 12 major metros and have yet to find a dealer that knows much about classical music .
Any dealer HAS to sell what he has to stay open, unless
they are spoiled trust fund kids,(common in audio) ,since they aren't worried about money- but for the same reason those types usually are so arrogant they make Dick Cheney seem humble.
If a dealer told me 10K was too much to spend on a mid sized roon, I might just listen to what he or she has to offer. No tweeks (tricks) now.