The color of audio and ambassadorship

Lately I've been trying to be an embassador of hi-end. I fear high quality music is a dying breed with the advent of MP3's and the like. So i try to sway those who can be swayed to begin their journeys into high end audio reproduction.

When speaking to friends about music I usually ask if they have ever heard their favorite music on a hi end system. To which almost all say no, and then ask why. A fair question. I usually say something on the order of "if you havnt heard your music on a high end system then you really havn't heard your music." This bait usually gets them over so they can hear what I'm talking about. And indeed to the uninitiated, even a simple system such as mine can be quite eye opening. It was for me 20 years ago when I heard a hi end system the first time! When they ask how much it costs however, well, that's another reaction altogether. Usually I get a WTF, or "its not that important to me!" And then they ask why is it so expensive?

This is where the audiophile has to try and explain what makes good sound and how the equipment contributes to the experience. I usually try to explain it terms of high resolution photography. I try to compare a low resolution photograph taken from a cheap camera. The picture will be blurry, the colors not as distinct, and the gradations not as varied when comparing the same photo taken with a professional camera. I say both pictures will give you an image you understand, but one will be closer to lifelike. Most people then get it.

If the conversation continues and they are more interested I my talk about system synergy. This is a little bit more difficult, but they way I try to explain this is I say what most try to achieve is some form of neutrality. To this end I say let's equate neutrality to gray. A perfect middle gray, a blend of 100% white and 100% black. Each component then is a shade of gray. In a perfect system each component is a perfect middle gray. However, we know that's not the case. Some might be lighter, some darker grays. Thus to achieve a perfect middle gray, one might have a dark gray speaker that needs a light gray amp. The more equipment, the harder it is to blend the colors and achive a perfect middle gray. Thus the audiophile sickness. These are analogies of course, and it can even be taken further when you bring in transparency and texture of music, but most people can be made to understand the concept, if not the madness that goes along with it.

How do you try to be an ambassador to hi end? Or do you even try
It's a nice thought but it's really not worth the trouble. I gave up trying to convert anyone to audio a couple of years ago when I was told by a couple of house guests that their Bose systems blew mine away.
If a person only listens to pop music, there is no point in spending good money on stereo equipment.
You've got to be kidding!
It is not what you need to enjoy particular type of music but rather person's state of mind. My late relative loved classical music and had a lot of LPs but his system was equivalent to very bad transistor radio. He couldn't hear 50% of instruments in the orchestra. He could easily buy very good system but he didn't care for the sound. My friends have decent system but they covered speakers with ornamental blankets that make sound very muddy and distant. They like music but don't care for the sound. Nothing will change that.
In the three days I spent at Axpona, there was a pretty good mix of ages among attendees. That gave me some hope for continued interest in good sound. As to being an "ambassador," I don't even try. Most people are so involved in life and their hyper-active monkey minds that they feel sitting and listening to music is not a worthwhile way to spend time. Even proprietors of high end home theater stores have looked at me like a quaint relic of the past when I professed my preference for two channel high end audio. Most musicians I know are more interested in making music than listening to it critically on a high end stereo. Regarding the disparaging remarks about the obsessive nature of the audiophile and their obsessing over picayune details, that's the way outsiders from every hobby look at the insiders. Go to any gun show, car show, numismatic show, etc. and look around. Many humans have a tendency to get obsessed with the details of things. We're hardly unique. Be content and don't worry about the unconverted.