That's the point. Who is more qualified to give a opinion about Bybee products that is meaningful -- that is based on actual experience? A guy who has 20 of them in his system or a vendor with an agenda who claims they are "controversial" -- and who gives no details about how many Bybee products he has in his own system? Who can be accused of setting off the BS meter? The guy who actually uses the products and has done so for many years or the vendor who talks off the top of his head with a sense of authority?
May I reiterate. If you go over the posts of respected vendors like Bobby Palkovic and Ted Denney and compare them with the posts of Geoffkait, you will easily see that the posts of Bobby Palkovic and Ted Denney are radically different in both tone and substance. We are talking about vendors who are in a whole other league -- people who talk straight about things they know about intimately -- vendors with deep understanding, vendors with substance and integrity.
It is the right of everyone here to talk about anything they like no matter how little they may actually know -- even if they are vendors. This is a free forum as Geoffkait proudly declares. So, he can say whatever he likes, he declares. But by expressing himself in this way he betrays the shallowness of his remarks in advance. You will never hear Bobby Palkovic or Ted Denney expressing themselves in such an inane manner on these forums.
If we are looking for integrity and substance we look to people who talk from experience. Opinions that are not backed by experience are a dime a dozen and should be viewed accordingly, especially when submitted by vendors who obviously appear here with a strong agenda.
That's the point. Who is more qualified to give a opinion about Bybee products that is meaningful -- that is based on actual experience? A guy who has 20 of them in his system or a vendor with an agenda who claims they are "controversial" -- and who gives no details about how many Bybee products he has in his own system? Who can be accused of setting off the BS meter? The guy who actually uses the products and has done so for many years or the vendor who talks off the top of his head with a sense of authority?
May I reiterate. If you go over the posts of respected vendors like Bobby Palkovic and Ted Denney and compare them with the posts of Geoffkait, you will easily see that the posts of Bobby Palkovic and Ted Denney are radically different in both tone and substance. We are talking about vendors who are in a whole other league -- people who talk straight about things they know about intimately -- vendors with deep understanding, vendors with substance and integrity.
It is the right of everyone here to talk about anything they like no matter how little they may actually know -- even if they are vendors. This is a free forum as Geoffkait proudly declares. So, he can say whatever he likes, he declares. But by expressing himself in this way he betrays the shallowness of his remarks in advance. You will never hear Bobby Palkovic or Ted Denney expressing themselves in such an inane manner on these forums.
If we are looking for integrity and substance we look to people who talk from experience. Opinions that are not backed by experience are a dime a dozen and should be viewed accordingly, especially when submitted by vendors who obviously appear here with a strong agenda.