Is there anyone who, after closely monitoring the posts of Bobby Palkovic and Ted Denney, would venture to state that Geoffkait even comes close to them when it comes to the integrity of vendors? This is a very significant issue here and I will explain why.
It is not only incumbent on vendors who post here to make full disclosure -- for obvious reaons. It is also incumbent on them to meet certain standards if they are to be looked upon with respect here. If they do not meet those standards -- I believe that Bryoncunningham has highlighted some of these points regarding Geoffkait more eloquently than I have -- then their posts have to be looked upon advisedly.
There is no way that any vendor with an agenda that exudes self-centeredness can be taken seriously here. Nor should they be. By trying to appear interested in "the topic" they will betray their true agenda from time to time as their guard "slips". This kind of cunning use of these forums must be watched with vigilance lest discussions become hijacked by vendors looking to divert attention in their direction.
We have seen a perfect example of this today with Geoffkait trying to divert the discussion to the subject of polarity while stating that the person who initiated the thread had better "bow out" -- so that he, Geoffkait, can say whatever he likes without the need to read those bothersome threads that take him to task. Posters who object to him on the basis of various issues should be banished.
Have you ever read where Bobby Palkovic or Ted Denney or any other vendor stated that a poster should "bow out" -- let alone the initiator of a thread -- so that the field be left open for them to discuss the topics they chose for discussion without having to face posts from those who did not go along with them? What would people say if Bobby Palkovic or Ted Denney had the temerity to try such an outlandish thing? We have only to look at Bryoncunningham's excoriation of Geoffkait on various threads to see the exquisite details of Geoffkait's modus operandi.
It is not only incumbent on vendors who post here to make full disclosure -- for obvious reaons. It is also incumbent on them to meet certain standards if they are to be looked upon with respect here. If they do not meet those standards -- I believe that Bryoncunningham has highlighted some of these points regarding Geoffkait more eloquently than I have -- then their posts have to be looked upon advisedly.
There is no way that any vendor with an agenda that exudes self-centeredness can be taken seriously here. Nor should they be. By trying to appear interested in "the topic" they will betray their true agenda from time to time as their guard "slips". This kind of cunning use of these forums must be watched with vigilance lest discussions become hijacked by vendors looking to divert attention in their direction.
We have seen a perfect example of this today with Geoffkait trying to divert the discussion to the subject of polarity while stating that the person who initiated the thread had better "bow out" -- so that he, Geoffkait, can say whatever he likes without the need to read those bothersome threads that take him to task. Posters who object to him on the basis of various issues should be banished.
Have you ever read where Bobby Palkovic or Ted Denney or any other vendor stated that a poster should "bow out" -- let alone the initiator of a thread -- so that the field be left open for them to discuss the topics they chose for discussion without having to face posts from those who did not go along with them? What would people say if Bobby Palkovic or Ted Denney had the temerity to try such an outlandish thing? We have only to look at Bryoncunningham's excoriation of Geoffkait on various threads to see the exquisite details of Geoffkait's modus operandi.