Will be able to test caps soon with at least 4 different vintage tube amps if not more.
Lost my mind over vintage. I want spare parts for a lifetime.
I had heard only new tube and SS gear.
Read a good link on a guitar amp site on why vintage sounds better. Points were.
Transformers now are wound different using a plastic core. Is this correct? Anyone know? Paper bobbins opposed to plastic.
Point to point wiring
Circuit boards act as a capacitor. Is this correct? The site said only point to point wiring does not do this and they prove it by having two wires run in opposite direction.
Of course they talked about caps and resistors as well being better.
Lost my mind over vintage. I want spare parts for a lifetime.
I had heard only new tube and SS gear.
Read a good link on a guitar amp site on why vintage sounds better. Points were.
Transformers now are wound different using a plastic core. Is this correct? Anyone know? Paper bobbins opposed to plastic.
Point to point wiring
Circuit boards act as a capacitor. Is this correct? The site said only point to point wiring does not do this and they prove it by having two wires run in opposite direction.
Of course they talked about caps and resistors as well being better.