Beware purepower inc

Trading with Purepower can be dangerous ...
I bought a PurePower 1050 Black HS code 8504.40.90 on 11/16/2011, invoice # 739 for $1497.
After 4 months, the unit stopped working : in fact the performances had never been by far those claimed by Purepower. After contacting the management Damian, I shipped back the unit (under warranty), received in Air on 04/24/2012. They told me that the maintenance should not last more than one or two months and that they would ship it back free of charges.
In fact I have never got my unit back : I called them more than ten times ; they always say 'he unit leaves by USP today...', but nothing. Finally, I believe they are not capable of sorting out the problem and that this is a con. I would not at all recommend these products and the team who is not reliable.
JeanJohn's repaired unit, which he had to wait so long for, has been returned to France via UPS - under warranty and at our shipping expense of $648.00.

We have had some service problems this year (mixed in with a lot of customers who received exemplary service) but we are making good on all of them - even if it has taken a long time.

Here’s why.

PurePower Partners LLC had outsourced its production to Taiwan in 2008 after 5 years of production in Canada. Not to cut costs, but to expand production.

We had been building to order, and sales had outstripped production capacity. We believed we could maintain quality, even with outsourcing, by doing final assembly steps and QC in Canada. That worked OK, at 2008 fuel and shipping prices. By 2011 air freight costs had become prohibitive.

At the end of 2011 we had already made the decision to return production to North America to improve shipping cost and address QC issues when a contract sales employee in Florida conspired with our Taiwan builder to attempt to steal our brand, IP and trademark. The full story is available on our web site at

They believed they could pull off this “coup” by commandeering our prepared inventory, sabotaging our sales, outspending us in marketing, libeling our personnel and company with a series of outrageous claims, and ignoring US court orders to cease and desist. But after 9 months, our trademark infringement and breach of contract lawsuits have finally been effective. Over 90% of PurePower dealers worldwide refused to purchase the counterfeit product in spite of the fact we were not able to deliver genuine PurePower product until the new PurePower+ designs were ready and the new Canadian assembly plant was fully functional – a process that took over 6 months.

During that time we did not have sufficient repair parts stock of the old models or enough technicians to keep up with normal service needs while also working on the new designs. As many as a dozen warranty service repairs suffered completely unreasonable delays. In some un-repairable cases we offered to supply a replacement PurePower+ model as soon as they were available.

We have made good on most of them – although there are still 3 customers waiting for new PurePower+ replacements for their old un-repairable units which are due to ship in early October.

We suffered very significant financial losses due to the counterfeiting activities, which we will probably never recover in spite of favorable court proceedings. Nonetheless we have come out of this experience with a dramatically improved product, complete in-house control over production and QC, and the knowledge that most high end audio dealers are a very honorable group indeed. We also learned that our customers are spectacularly supportive.

We are excited by the results of the PurePower+ launch and ready for the year ahead. We can also make a clear commitment to improved warranty service. With production, service, and most parts either in-house or sourced from local companies within a 60 mile radius we will no longer be at the mercy of overseas suppliers, expensive shipping, or long lead times.

PurePower is back on track and ready to deliver quality products, service, and support.
JeanJohn's repaired unit, which he had to wait so long for, has been returned to France via UPS - under warranty and at our shipping expense of $648.00.

We have had some service problems this year (mixed in with a lot of customers who received exemplary service) but we are making good on all of them - even if it has taken a long time.

Here’s why.

PurePower Partners LLC had outsourced is production to Taiwan in 2008 after 5 years of production in Canada. Not to cut costs, but to expand production.

At the end of 2011 we had already made the decision to return production to North America to improve shipping cost and address QC issues when a contract sales employee in Florida conspired with our Taiwan builder to attempt to steal our brand, IP and trademark. The full story is available on our web site at

They believed they could pull off this “coup” by commandeering our prepared inventory, sabotaging our sales, libeling our personnel and company with a series of outrageous claims, and ignoring US court orders to cease and desist.

Over 90% of PurePower dealers worldwide refused to purchase the counterfeit product in spite of the fact we were not able to deliver genuine PurePower product until the new PurePower+ designs were ready and the new Canadian assembly plant was fully functional – a process that took over 6 months.

During that time we did not have sufficient repair parts stock of the old models or enough technicians to keep up with normal service needs while also working on the new designs. As many as a dozen warranty service repairs suffered completely unreasonable delays. In some un-repairable cases we offered to supply a replacement PurePower+ model as soon as they were available.

We have made good on most of them – although there are still 3 customers waiting for new PurePower+ replacements for their old un-repairable units which are due to ship in early October.

We suffered very significant financial losses due to the counterfeiting activities. Nonetheless we have come out of this experience with a dramatically improved product, complete in-house control over production and QC, and the knowledge that most high end audio dealers are a very honorable group indeed. We learned that our customers are also spectacularly supportive.

We are excited by the results of the PurePower+ launch and ready for the year ahead. We can also make a clear commitment to improved warranty service. With production, service, and most parts either in-house or sourced from local companies within a 60 mile radius we will no longer be at the mercy of overseas suppliers, expensive shipping, or long lead times.

PurePower is back on track and is again delivering quality products, responsive service, and reliable warranty support.
.....series of outrageous claims, and ignoring US court orders to cease and desist.
Purepower, you are a Canadian company. So, what are the US courts doing given out rulings in your favour? Why are the Canadian courts not taking the action???
Bombaywalla - consistent with much of the ranting and bs on this website I really do not understand the purpose of your thread. The jurisdiction of a particular case depends on a number of factors but you see fit to post a thread implying that because the rulings were not given by the Canadian courts Purepower should be ashamed. Ignorance knows no bounds on this forum.
And it probably comes as no coincidence that you use a competing power generator. And before you say, yes I am an owner of the Purepower 2000 and have been very pleased with it but my reason for replying to your email was nothing to do with this but a continuing belief that this forum is going to the dogs. In fact I would say that most of the rants on this forum are quite pathetic.